A rose by any other name…but just try to change it! With all of the public fascination surrounding the naming of the new royal princess, one might question just who has the right to select a child’s name and how
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Educational Seminar & Permanent Master Implemented by Dauphin County Court In my previous post, I discussed the implementation by Dauphin County of a Family Court system. In addition to the establishment of the Family Court, two other changes were instituted
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New Family Court Created in Dauphin County 2015 brings with it some exciting changes to the Dauphin County Court with the establishment of a Family Court. Prior to the establishment of Family Court, most family law matters were handled on
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Same Sex Marriage is Now the Law in Pennsylvania By now most of you have heard that Judge John Jones, U.S. District Court Judge in Harrisburg, has permanently enjoined the provisions of the Domestic Relations Code that allowed only traditional
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PA has new child support guidelines which can impact the amount of money for support. A Harrisburg family lawyer explains what this means.
Protecting Yourself When You Are Unmarried, Live Together and Break-Up in Pennsylvania So, when you are an unmarried couple living together, without the protection of the Pennsylvania divorce code in the event of a split, what can you do to
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Harrisburg Divorce Attorney Explains Filing for Support Tina Laudermilch In keeping with the basic overview I have already provided in prior posts regarding divorce, I thought it best to provide some basic information about filing for support and the process
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What you need to know about Divorce in Pennsylvania My last article outlined a very brief introduction to the process by which people obtain a divorce. What some people may not realize is that obtaining the final Decree in Divorce
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During the years that I served as a Custody Conciliator for the Dauphin County Court in Harrisburg, I had the opportunity to talk with children of all ages and to discuss with them the impact of custody schedules on their
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Divorcing spouses who do not reach an agreement about how the property (money, real estate and other assets) that they acquired during the marriage will be divided must go through litigation so the court can equitably divide their marital property.
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