National Girls and Women in Sports Day
February 12, 2019

National Girls and Women in SportsDuring the month of February, we celebrate National Girls and Women in Sports Day (February 6).  Having been a high school and college athlete, recognizing women in sports, both as players and coaches is something I value.

Recently, I decided to take on the challenge of coaching my area’s middle school girls’ lacrosse team.  Although I played lacrosse in high school and college, it was a long time ago.  So, in order to prepare for the upcoming season, I have attended and participated in some coaching clinics.  Not only did I learn a lot about how to help the girls I will be coaching, the information I took away from the clinics will be invaluable to me as a person and in my work.  Here are just a few of things I was able to take away:

  1. Mistakes are OK. While everyone strives to avoid mistakes at all cost, you cannot continue to learn if you do not make mistakes.  Don’t be afraid to make mistakes.  The mistakes will need to be corrected, but recognize them, correct them, grow from them.  Do not let them impede your ability to continue to learn.


  1. My players are more than just athletes. They are students, sisters, daughters, friends.  I am more than just a lawyer – I am a mother, a wife, a coach.  My clients and co-workers are more than just clients and co-workers – they are mothers/fathers, husbands/wives, etc.  It’s important to recognize and honor the people and various roles of those around you.


  1. Honoring the game. Everyone loves to win, and you want to win, and lose, with grace.  Respect the rules of the game, respect your team, co-workers, opposing counsel.  Treat everyone with dignity, especially when its difficult.  Even if you “lose” or things did not go as you planned, do so knowing that you honored the game, the profession, the job.


For more information on National Girls and Women in Sports Day go to


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